What is I CARE Virtual Services?

I CARE means:

International Communication Advocacy Resources & Education

Our motto and mission is, "Care at the core of everything we do!”

CARE is multi-dimensional in this business model. We operate with Communication, Advocacy, Resources, and Education at the very foundation of our services provided, and we believe these 4 things are vital in every area of every person's life. Services are provided by a Virtual Assistant (VA) in various ways, meeting each client at their needs. It is a priority in our business to let each client know, “I CARE about what you need.”

The structure is a virtual model for maximum outreach. It is evident that this model is essential, and it is often a better option or fit for businesses and individuals to get their needs met. Time and location doesn't have to be a barrier. I CARE Virtual Services might be just the thing you have been looking for! Let's find out!

Our services are offered in 2 platforms currently:

1. Virtual Assistant Services - general administrative work meeting a variety of business needs.

2. Virtual Coaching Services - coaching and consultation services for individuals and families seeking support with communication and regulation needs, advocacy strategies, building resources, and various needs with education.